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Trademark Registration in Indonesia Assisted by IP Consultant

Indonesia trademark registration only USD 200 per class, no hidden costs. Please contact us now and get a free consult at cs@patendo.co.id or WA +6281291677495

Patendo is a trusted Intellectual Property Consultant, an expert in trademark registration in Indonesia with 10 years of experience and trusted by thousands of entrepreneurs. Indonesia Trademark registration requires the assistance of an Intellectual Property (IP) Consultant to help you understand the applicable terms and conditions. It is very important to discuss and consult with us for free.

Both individuals and companies from outside Indonesia may register their trademarks in Indonesia. Indonesia trademark registration must be done immediately so that other people cannot use or even sell your trademark in Indonesia.

Indonesia Trademark Registration Fee

Indonesia trademark registration fee for individuals or companies from abroad is USD 200 per trademark per class. This fee includes our professional services fees and official fees paid to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia/ Indonesia trademark office. The trademark certificate is free of charge and no hidden fees.

Payment is made in full without a down payment. You can pay in USD or Indonesian currency IDR. You can transfer via bank transfer or the Revolut.com app. 

Indonesia Trademark Renewal

We also provide trademark renewal services in Indonesia. The cost of trademark renewal per class is USD 250. Trademark renewal can be initiated from 6 months before the trademark expires up to 2 weeks before the trademark expires. If your trademark has expired and you do not renew your trademark, your trademark can be registered by someone else in Indonesia.

Process and Estimated Time for Trademark Registration in Indonesia

Registering a trademark in Indonesia through the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) involves several important steps, here are the steps:

1. Application Submission

Applicants submit their registration online to the DGIP office, including complete documentation such as the trademark owner’s identity and the trademark logo. This process usually takes 1-3 working days if all documents are complete.

2. Administrative Evaluation

DGIP examines the completeness of submitted documents, including verification of identity and supporting files. This stage typically lasts for 15 days after the application is received.

3. Publication in the Official Trademark Gazette (Berita Resmi Merek/ BRM)

If the documents meet the requirements for trademark registration in Indonesia, the trademark is published in the Official Trademark Gazette (BRM) for 2 months, giving other parties the opportunity to file objections if they feel disadvantaged.

4. Comprehensive Examination

After the publication period ends without objections, DGIP conducts a substantive examination to ensure there are no conflicts with existing trademarks and compliance with regulations. This process can take up to 150 working days or about 5-6 months.

5. Certificate Issuance

If it passes the examination, an official trademark certificate is issued and sent to the applicant, confirming that the trademark registration in Indonesia is complete. This stage usually takes 1-4 months after the examination is finished.

Total Time Estimate:

The entire trademark registration process in Indonesia can take up to 12 months, depending on whether there are any oppositions and the smoothness of the examination. If objections or other issues arise, the time can increase according to the complexity of the case.

Indonesia Trademark Registration through Patendo

Indonesian trademark law is regulated in Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications.
Trademark owners from outside Indonesia must register their trademarks in Indonesia through a Registered IP Consultant such as Patendo, here are the steps to register a trademark through us:

1. Please send via WhatsApp or email to cs@patendo.co.id:

1.) Trademark name to be registered.
2.) Type of goods or services.
3.) Name of trademark owner.

2. We will reply to your email or WhatsApp with our company bank account number.

3. After paying the trademark registration fee, please immediately email proof of transfer along with the trademark logo in jpg format.

4. After we receive your payment, you will be asked to fill in the registrant data via email. 

5. After all the data is filled in correctly, we will send the power of attorney document via email for you to sign. You can print, sign, scan and email the power of attorney back to us. 

After we receive the power of attorney that you have signed, the trademark registration application will be completed within 3 working days. We will email you proof of your trademark registration application with a stamp from Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia.

6. After receiving proof of your trademark registration application, you can use your trademark without having to wait for a trademark certificate. After your trademark is approved by the Indonesian government, you will receive a trademark certificate within 12 months. 

The trademark certificate is issued by the the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia in the form of a PDF file, not in paper form. After we receive your trademark certificate from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia, we will email your trademark certificate to you.

The trademark certificate is free of charge. Trademarks are valid for 10 years and can be renewed.

When Do You Need to Register a Trademark in Indonesia?

If you want your trademark not to be registered by others in Indonesia, then register your trademark in Indonesia as soon as possible. Your trademark can be traded in Indonesia without your knowledge if your trademark is not registered in Indonesia immediately.

The cost of registering a trademark in Indonesia is very affordable, you will spend a lot of money if you are late in registering your trademark in Indonesia. You are forced to buy your own trademark in Indonesia if someone else has registered your trademark in Indonesia. Indonesia trademark registration can be done for you, either individuals or companies outside Indonesia.

Benefits of Trademark Registration in Indonesia

The benefits you get if your trademark is registered in Indonesia:

1. Legal Protection Guarantee

 By registering a trademark in Indonesia, foreign trademark owners obtain legal protection against the illegal use or misuse of their trademark by other parties within Indonesia.

2. Exclusive Ownership Rights

Trademark registration ensures that foreign trademark owners have exclusive rights to its use, preventing others from exploiting a similar or identical trademark for similar products or services.

3. Prevention of Trademark Hijacking

Without trademark registration in Indonesia, foreign trademarks are at risk of being taken by others who register them first in Indonesia. By registering, foreign companies protect themselves from trademark hijacking.

4. Accelerating Business Expansion

A registered trademark in Indonesia makes it easier for foreign companies to expand their business in Indonesia, whether through opening branches, partnerships, or franchise systems.

5. Enhancing Reputation and Consumer Trust

A trademark registered in Indonesia gives an impression of legality and professionalism, which in turn increases local consumers’ trust in the brand.

6. Reducing Trademark Dispute Risks

With legal protection, foreign companies are better protected from potential legal conflicts over trademark use, such as disputes with local companies that may attempt to use a similar name or logo.

7. Franchise and Licensi

With legally protected trademark in Indonesia, foreign companies can easily establish collaborations through licensing or franchising with local partners, opening up opportunities to expand their business network in Indonesia.


Patendo Success Helped Thousands of Clients Get Trademark Certificates

Not only from Indonesia, our clients also from 25 countries. It’s time for your trademark to be registered in Indonesia.


Country of Origin of Our Clients


Our Clients who Received Trademark Certificates

Advantages of Trademark Registration in Indonesia with Patendo

Not just a service agency, Patendo is a registered IPR Consultant with years of experience

Fast, safe, easy and cheap trademark registration in Indonesia.

You can consult for free via whatsapp and email at cs@patendo.co.id

Thousands of clients from Indonesia and abroad have received brand certificates.

Patendo is IP Law Firm Indonesia that Helps Protect Trademark in Indonesia

Patendo Clients Whose Trademarks Have Been Approved And Receive Trademark Certificates

You should register your trademark in Indonesia because your trademark may be lost if registered by someone else. Your trademark can be used and even sold by others in Indonesia

Patendo has a solution to protect your trademark. Let's register your trademark in Indonesia as soon as possible

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